
The Dangers of Candles

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Although candles are safe when you are keeping a close watch on them, I wanted to post this photo of the candle I was burning on our kitchen ledge, when my ear could hear a crackling noise.
Next thing I looked and the whole side of the candle was burning away, with the dish filled with wax, and a flame shooting out the side! Yeesh! Keep watch over your burning candles- things CAN happen.


  1. True that. Candles have to be watched more closely than folks realize, esp. if you have pets. We have a curious cat who like to try and "smell" candle flames. Burned off his eyebrows, and he didn't even notice. It was tough explaining that to the vet.

  2. Yes, my oldest daughter was burnt on her hand about 5 years back. She moved a candle over from one spot to the next, and guess the glass wasn't too shatter proof, that the candle was made exploded from the heat of the flame moving over, and hot candle wax all over her hand. Her skin was literally peeling off. She was in pain for some time, had to go to the hospital, and now has a scar to remember it by.
    Poor kitty too.

  3. Wow that's scary. Thanks for this important reminder.


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