
Very Windy Today!

Saturday, December 26, 2015

The windiest we've seen it since we've been here- 50 km winds and only 12 degrees....lots of blowing dust! Had to go do laundry at the mat today- no way the clothes would stay on the line- and they'd be full of dirt to even risk it! Seen on tv and internet weather that New Mexico is due for snow, Texas as well, then there's flooding places and tornadoes down south and the west coast has been hit with wild fires! I think this state- Arizona- and Florida are the only ones not having any MAJOR issues with weather.


  1. Glad that we aren't there this year. We spent a couple weeks in that area last January and luckily had good weather but a coupe of weeks was definitely enough for us. We are having perfect weather where are right now. Hope some nicer weather heads your way real soon.

  2. this is our first year here.. seems like alot of other states around us getting worst weather- but I was thinking there was going to be more heat here.

  3. When we were there it was at the end of January last year the days were pretty hot but the nights were very cool to cold.


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