
5 Ways to Save Money on Your Child’s Car Seat

Monday, May 24, 2010

Everyday living is an expensive thing, we all know that. Therefore, when we can find a discount, use a coupon or even by used, we’re going to take that opportunity and use it to our advantage. Although, what’s even more expensive is when we add on to our family and start having children.

Not only do we need to take care of ourselves, but we also need to look out for our little ones. If you’re expecting a baby in the near future you want to make sure you’re ready, and one way you can do this is by making sure you have a car seat for your child. These are a must and are against the law not to have. The only problem is they can be somewhat pricey. If you’re on a tight budget and you’re looking to find ways to save money on one, continue reading below to make sure you get the best price!

Shop online: I find that I save the most money when I shop online. Buying online is usually cheaper due to the costs of running a store online compared to a store in your town. There is no stocking shelves, ringing people up and no rent that is being charged. Therefore, online prices are a lot more competitive than your mom and pop shop up the road. So, to find the best deal compare prices online!

Use coupons: Going to stores like Babies R’ Us is also another great way to save. They often have sales and some great coupons you can use. Buying on sale and using a coupon can be just as cheap if not cheaper than online.

Buy on sale: Always make sure you buy on sale. Whenever you need something, it will eventually go on sale. Whether it’s this week, next week, or the week after that, you will see it for a cheaper price than the original. Sometimes to save a penny you need to be patient!

Ignore brands: You will find that there are some brands that are very costly. Yet, there are some brands that seem reasonable. Ignore the “high status” names and get what is safe and convenient for you and your little one. Sometimes the most expensive items aren’t the best, and the least expensive ones are.

Consider features: Another thing you will come across is the features. Find a car seat that has good safety ratings and all the features to keep them safe and comfortable. You don’t need everything from two cup holders, to body pillows and custom designs. Find what works, what is affordable and what makes your child happy.

Shopping for a car seat can be quite time consuming, especially if you’re a new parent. So, I suggest that you see what your friends are buying for their children and what the best car seats are according to reviews online!

This is a guest post written by Lauren Dzuris. Lauren runs FindMyCarSeat, a baby car seat website that helps soon to be parents find the perfect car seat for their child, while giving them tips and advice on everything from pregnancy to caring for your baby.

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