
A Baby Shower For A Baby Amount Of Money!

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Preparing an event for a loved one can be daunting. You may spend a long time searching for that perfect Mother's day card or birthday present, but when you get stuck with the daunting task of preparing your friend’s baby shower you may find it to be one of the most stressful things you will ever organize. Ultimately, you want to get it perfect but you may also find that you have the pressure to make it as extravagant as possible. But if this isn't something that can be done and you need to do it cheaply, what can you do to make it memorable for everybody, especially the mother to be?

Focus On The Little Touches That You Can Get Away With

When we try to create the perfect baby shower we may think that it has to be about the big statements. But instead, if you can focus on the smaller components it is these things that will loom large in everybody's mind months afterward. If you are able to have the baby shower in a free venue or someone's home this will be a considerable saving which means that you can focus your budget on the little touches. Perhaps you could focus on little baby shower favors like personalized candy bars or little table decorations for every guest to personalize the day for everyone. 

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Make, Don't Buy

If you are handy with a sewing kit or know how to bake a cake with your eyes shut, this is going to be the best way to make everything go further. The best piece of advice is to go on baby shower Pinterest boards. When you can see the numerous ideas out there you can take inspiration and make your own decorations and your own food. In fact, when you make your own cupcakes and cakes, this is going to save you a lot of money. And even if you don't have skills with frosting you can buy pourable frosting which will save you a lot of time, especially if you are baking the cake at the last minute!

Buy In Bulk

Buy in bulk and you won't sulk! From the cake stands to the tablecloths you can easily go to Costco and buy things in bulk. And for those people who can't bake or make sandwiches to save their lives, a Costco membership is $60 every year, which may seem a lot but if you've got a massive guest list to cater for, this will be worth it for the savings you will make! And even for those guests that could do with a tipple or two, bulk buying alcohol will save you a lot of money in the long run.

Get Digital

Rather than sending everybody an invite over Facebook, you can use digital invite companies like Evite which will make your invitations look far nicer than a social media invite.

It's overwhelming and it can be incredibly expensive but a baby shower can be be done cheaply so you can make it the perfect day.

The Latest in Our Neck of the Woods

Friday, August 26, 2022

In only another week we will be in our new home. It's been a long time waiting. We certainly didn't expect finding a home would have been so hard - the market has been tough. We are also finding insurance is more, our mortgage is more, and we now have to pay a water bill here, where we didn't pay for water usage back home, in small town Saskatchewan. Although, here in Alberta we pay no tax, and gas is lower, so perhaps things will balance themselves out. We also have a garage, so I can't wait to start having garage sales, although our back lane is quite narrow.  It will be nice to get out of the RV for a bit, and have a home once again to live in. We love the city for all that it has to offer. Although I still haven't perfected city driving in a long shot...I probably need more practice! I let Gerry do alot of the driving so I guess that's why.

It's been extremely hot too here in southern Alberta. I won't be sad to see Fall arrive! The stores are already pushing it- and Halloween!

We attended Rib Fest today- got to test award winning BBQ sauces and Gerry picked himself up a great rib dinner - I'm not a big meat eater so it was all for him today! The wasps were out in full swing force because of the sauces and the beer that was everywhere.

Last week we were at a Motocross Show- and although it had a wow factor in the first hour, we left at intermission. We found it dragged out by the announcer - but quite cool to see the bikes and even the snowmobiles doing jumps and stunts! Also having little kids kicking the back of our seats by not sitting still, didn't help matters either. It would be nice for parents to tell their children something though. I have back issues too, so.....

Mom had her hip replacement 2 weeks ago and is doing well.. but still- a big surgery and she struggles alot with muscle spasms. 

Once we get our home we can start doing some stocking up on good food deals. The RV doesn't have much for space so I miss out on buying deals on produce, and meats- items for freezing. I also miss baking. I used to bake quite a bit and freeze it too- but in the RV the last couple of months, and its been so hot to bake in here, even with the AC.. and my small freezer holds so little as it is. But soon enough!

Hope everyone has a great weekend though- and thank you for following. Please feel free to share our blog with others ...

We Found a Place!

Sunday, August 7, 2022

Well, after months of looking for a place, we finally got a new home! And when shopping for a home, it’s important to remember the factors that affect your energy bill. From insufficient insulation to old appliances that use excessive energy, many things in your house could send your electric and water bills through the roof! 

Still have to wait to get all the i's dotted and t's crossed, and the owners of the home still haven't found a place, but it's ours by September 15th at the very latest...but we certainly hope we can get in before then, as we have been in our RV just waiting and looking. Places are more expensive here in the city than back home in our small town. They also are harder to grab onto when one comes along that's "perfect". The one we got was on market less than an hour.. and we got lucky.. and had a great realtor.

My birthday today! I'm 56!  Went for lunch with the family, and went to the arcade at the mall.. although I think it would have been more fun playing games if it wasn't pay to play LOL

Mom is almost all settled here as well, but she also goes for her hip surgery next week, so Gerry will be driving her to Saskatoon for that. She had originally been booked from Saskatchewan.. and now is in Alberta. Had waited a year for her surgery . Was suppose to be done 2 months ago but she got tested positive for COVID when she was got there, so they made her wait another two months!

Weather has been super hot. Nice to a point, but too hot for us- and having to run the generator most of the day in RV cause of the heat. We have been at the Walmart for most of the time... free WiFi signal -so that's nice. With mom getting settled in her apt., a daughter visiting here, and house hunting, we haven't been able to go too far, but maybe in a couple of weeks!

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