We are a family of 7. We have 5 children and the ages range from 14 to twins
that are 7. There is only one of us working right now. It would cost too much for
child care for both of us to go to work. I stay at home and he works. I cut
costs by buying in bulk for groceries, using coupons, and if your grocery store
has the savings card, I go online and download e-coupons and put them on my card. I only buy sale items, and usually 10 for $10 items. Some groceries stores have
5 for $19.99 on meats.Those can be great deals for me if the quantity is
right. I found that if I go to a butcher shop it is cheaper for me to get a 1/4
cow that costs (cheapest I got it was $245.-$280) I request to have mostly
burger some roasts and a few steaks out of the cuts of meat. I have the burger
wrapped in 1 pound packages. We end up with it varies but about 60# of
burger, 3 English roasts, 4 regular roasts, and 13 steaks. It lasts us a little
over 3 months. I buy boneless pork loins on sale only when the price is
about $1.88 # and buy 2 I have the store cut into quarter in slices and break
it down to 7-8 chops per package.We get about 80 pork chops that way for right
around $30. Making a menu helps too.
Clothing is a little bit tricky
because of the ages and sexes of my children, the oldest is a female she's 14,
then I have a 13 year old boy, then I have a 8 year old girl, and twin boys that
are 7. The 3 youngest are very close in the same sizes so I try to get
pants/shorts that will work for all 3 of them. I shop at lightly used clothing
stores. I even have family members that pass their children's clothes to my
kids. I will go to the local Salvation Army store that have sales on the color of
tags everyday of the week. The goodwill store is another good place to go I can
save a lot there too. Yard sales have been great. I have not figured out a
very good way to save on clothing but I will.
As for saving in the home, I will go
around after everyone, shutting of lights to save on electricity.Kids leave every light on when they come out of a room. I unplug any and
all unused cords (cell phone charger, can opener, microwave, etc.) which I am
very surprised that does take a lot off electric bill. I will hang clothes up to
dry over the bath tub,or out on the line if it is not raining. I found if I break
down and buy more expensive laundry soap it lasts longer and you use less of
it.If you have some baking soda, out it in with the load. I go to big lots and buy shampoo and all my house hold things they
have sales like 2 -3 times a year for 25% off entire purchase and everything is
descent prices there. I end up having about 10 bottles of shampoo, I try to have
a stock pile.
I heat with propane which costs me
about $800-$900 a year to fill the tank.In the summer instead of leaving the
pilot light burn I go outside and shut of the main valve that runs to the house
then relight it when it starts getting cold but not right away. I will throw on an extra shirt or grab blanket if anyone is cold. April to about Oct I
go out and shut main valve off so its not using any. I make sure I clean at least
once a week my seal around my fridge, and I use the vacumm an clean the coils
that way its not working that hard to keep items cold. I live about 10 miles in
any one direction to get to a store so when I go I try to get everything I can
that way I am not wasting gas.
One more thing I would like to add is if you have
a deep freezer, freeze yourself some bags of ice and if your electricity ever goes
out those bags of ice will save your meats from going bad and you don't have to
throw them out plus if some thing happens to your water unthaw and drink it.
That is my story how we make it on one income.