With the tv playing in my ears behind me, ( Gerry is in the house now for the evening), I think I may have to update about things with us in little bullet points LOL.. sometimes I just can't concentrate with that outside noise.. This coming from someone that sleeps with a sound machine.
-Decided to get a booster shot. We have been yes, no, yes, no.. but have one set for June 10
- Been busy packing for our move mid- June and now mom wants to move so that's really making our heads spin. We sold our place. Possession date is June 24. We haven't found a new place though. We are hoping something will still come up but we at least have our RV that we can stay in in the meantime and we can store our stuff at our daughter's. I have to count on Gerry alot to do alot of the packing too with my limited mobility with my back also.
-Spent a week in the city for medical/ specialist appts- Gerry and I. The 6-7 hour drive in the RV was a nightmare for most of the part. Our northern road is so rough and full of pot holes that it really hurts my back. We are trying to look at changing some of the seating in the RV.. and hopefully not much longer to have to drive on that road. Gerry is waiting on his results for his nuclear heart scan... and I was to see the vein doctor, and the dermatologist . I found out through my CT scan a while ago that my back had bulging discs and lumbar stenosis. Today I went for a X- ray on my SI Joint as well. I find I have to do daily exercises and walk to feel half way normal, and am on Gabapentin at night now so shooting nerve pain in my back I have been getting for about a year. So it's that, stretches, and just over the counter drugs too to get me through the day most times.
-I was inquiring about bio-identical hormones if anyone has heard about these.. well wow- its $2500, trips to the city for various appts.. and a ton of bloodwork. The lady that called me today said they take 17-21 vials of blood! Boy talk about donating blood! I can see why female celebrities are promoting it.. but it was more all those vials of blood they take that scared me more than the money side of it -LOL. I would love to hear from anyone who has had this done or knows of someone that has.
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