
Does Anyone Else Find the Days Just Zip By?

Friday, February 10, 2023

Does anyone else just find the days seem to zip by? I swear when I was in school I watched the clock and it just dragged. Oh and that also would happen when I was at work- now since long retired and do my blogging from home. More enjoying life. The days do seem to zip by though. Perhaps I am spending too much time scrolling Instagram LOL

We have very much liked moving to the city . More opportunities for better deals for sure at multiple grocery stores and I would say the food hasn't gotten cheaper, but more stores to compare from. I also love going onto Facebook marketplace to look for deals and sell online, but do find it's harder to sell in the city than back home in a smaller town. People really want that great deal and to pay less. It's a bit of a longer process to take to sell an item I find. I used to like going to the thrift stores too before Covid as well but most don't have change rooms now since Covid, and I would much rather not be having to run an item back to the store again, so haven't gone for some time. 

The weather has also been super nicer here in the southern part of the province than when we lived up north, so liking that. Easier on Jakey for getting out too when it's not so cold and we get alot of chinooks here living not far from the mountains. Still doing home renos as well.

Gerry had a couple of questionable growths removed from his neck a few weeks ago and just went to have the stitches removed. His doctor suggested in case they could turn cancerous,  best to get them removed. One turned out to be a birth mark, another a mole and another.. an age spot. I am sure he will be happy to still have them gone though and not have to worry at all about the one that was raised.

Almost lunch hour.. so will sign off... have a great weekend everyone! Thanks for following and be sure to check us out on our other socials as well.

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