When many people look to save money while shopping, they automatically turn to the internet. And while it is true that internet retailers tend to offer significant discounts ahead of the high street stores, sometimes people aren’t making the savings they can just by taking their time and following a few simple tricks. Learning the smart way of shopping online will make a significant difference when it comes to making purchases both big and small. So, if you are asking yourself how to shop smart online, then this is the blog for you!
Use Cashback Websites
Before you make any purchase online, it is worth checking if the retailer you are using is on a cashback website. For those not in the know, cashback sites offer you are certain percentage of your purchase price back again - and they are often free to set up! All you need to do is create an account, log on to it before you make any purchase and click through to the retailer using the link on the site. After you have made the purchase, the cashback site should track it and pay the money back into your account within a stated timeframe. While some deals are as little as 1%, there are others which can make you a bundle, particularly if you are signing up for new phone or entertainment contract. And any money you make is a bonus as you were going to make the purchase anyway!
Utilise Comparison Websites
With so many comparison websites out there these days, it just makes sense to shop around for the best deal if you are going to get exactly the same product anyway. For example, if you are looking to buy a flight then Skyscanner will show you the different prices online, as well as listing all the options that you have. Nowadays, comparison websites specialise in all different types of product area so it is worth doing a little bit of research before making the purchase. The money you save could well be significant.
Take Advantage of Deal & Coupon Sites
Many shoppers are trying to do exactly the same thing as you - save money wherever they can. A whole host of voucher and coupon websites have sprung up all over the place, so you may well be able to get discounts on the purchases you make. For example, if you use Amazon on a regular basis then it is worth checking for Amazon coupons and promo codes from CouponSherpa.com. If there is money off to be had, it just makes sense that you should go for it!
Organise Your Emails
We all know the frustration of constantly being spammed with junk mail, but some of these will actually be offering you pretty good deals. The trick is to get organised. If there are online retailers that you use on a regular basis, these are the ones that will be the most advantageous to you. Unsubscribe from all the ones that are simply of no use to you and you will be in a much better position to take notice when valuable offers actually do start appearing in your inbox.
Leave Items in Your Cart
There are two good reasons to leave items in your cart rather than making the purchase straight away. Firstly, it will stop you making an impulse purchase and regretting it almost instantly! As well as this, some retailers will send you a discount code for what you have in your shopping basket as extra encouragement to actually go through and make the purchase. Good things come to those who wait!
Watch Out For Dynamic Pricing
Dynamic pricing is a very sneaky strategy that many online sellers use to show differing prices to different customers depending on location, as well as taking into account browsing and spending habits. Have you ever noticed that you have looked at a product one day, only to find that it has significantly risen in price the next? To get a better picture of pricing, clear your cookies, log out of your accounts and switch to incognito browsing.
Shop On the Right Day
Watch out for doing most of your shopping on the weekends. Most stores tend to roll out their best offers on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Again, it is all about taking your time and working out if you can get something cheaper on another day. Even if you have bought a product only to find the price has been slashed the next day, try getting in contact with the customer service team to see if they will offer you the same discount.
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