
Investing in Music

Monday, March 4, 2013

As parents we always try to stretch the dollar, while at the same time provide our kids with experiences and memories that will positively shape their lives. You try to save money in one way, just so you can spend it in another venue. One of the better ways that parents can help their children succeed in life is by giving them the gift of music. As a young teenager I took keyboard lessons, however as with many things in life as years pass and you do not use your skill enough you may end up losing what you have gained. It’s a shame really because music could be used as a relaxation activity and a creative outlet, and has been shown to be very important for a child’s development.

From piano lessons in Ottawa, to clarinet lessons in Vancouver, parents throughout Canada are choosing to spend some of their hard earned money by introducing their child to music. Learning to play music provides a child’s with vastly greater benefits than just knowing how to play a musical instrument-which is a feat in itself. Studies have shown that children who play music are intelligent, have higher academic achievement and are much disciplined. After all it takes lots of thinking and problem solving to learn to read and play music and make transitions between notes. Taking lessons and passing different musical achievements gives the child a sense of self discipline that will lead them a lot further than just in their musical career.

Progressing in music does not mean that a child is destined to become a musician. Sometimes it is just a great skill to have and a creative outlet. The skills learned can be transferred to many other academic areas such as sciences and math. In fact proficiency in music leads to better cognitive development, communication and social skills and as all parents may agree these are very important in today’s world.

Just remember that when you hear banging from the living room that sounds more like wild noise than a peaceful melody is that your child is developing their brain and memory as they learn to play. Kids learn to pick out what is important and what needs to be emphasized and they can take that into the adult world as they grow up. Being a part of creating something bigger than you, the joy of collaboration with your fellow musicians can give a child and their parents a sense of community and of belonging. With all the stories we hear in the news it is evident that children and teenagers alike could use having the sense of accomplishment and of belonging.

Even if you do not where to start there are many resources to help you along the way. There is a vast array of instruments that can spark creativity. Pianos are no longer just associated with classical music, nor are guitars simply for country. Let your child explore the musical world around them, it is truly an investment that is worth making, for right now and for the future.


  1. I would be split on making my child take music lessons. The friends I have are split between either being grateful their parents forced them to take lessons or despising them for it.

  2. Yes, there can be good profits in the store returns, if you are knowledgeable in that product range and understand you will have to turn some screws to get your profits.


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