When Gerry and I go south next month, we wanted to have some walking poles for walks/ hiking. Besides for the obvious use of walking with them, they could also come in handy to fend off off leash dogs, or wild animals that appear to be a threat. We've read these accounts many times that it is better to be with something than without. However, for their obvious use, the Ohuhu Anti Shock & Retractable Trekking Poles, are
perfect for hiking. They are made from light aluminum, and are strong, durable
and sturdy. The poles are also extendable and are really ultralight. Which will
make it easier to pack and you won’t get as fatigued from carrying these.
Ohuhu poles are shock absorbing from the anti-shock mechanism.
It helps reduce strain on hands and wrists. Which is great for people who have
weak joints or previous sports injuries. It is also perfect for downhill
hiking. It is also good for trekking, backpacking and climbing.
Soft EVA foam handgrips with wrist straps absorbs moisture. And
are very comfortable to hold. They can be used in high altitudes and cold
weather. The poles are weather resistant and free from temperature influence.
They also have corrosion prevention. We look forward to using them on a regular basis while on our travels.
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