
Review: Pro-Mix Heal and Feed and the Pro-Mix Seed

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Pro-Mix is a Canadian company that makes a variety of products for your lawn, garden,flowers, vegetables and herbs. They are experts in the field of horticulture and agriculture. They have made breakthroughs and innovations in their field, along with research and development programs. One of their breakthroughs include the creation of the very first prefabricated growing medium made of sphagnum peat moss and fertilizers. These active ingredients will enhance the growth and resistance of plants.

Two of the products they sell are the Pro-Mix Heal and Feed and the Pro-Mix seed. The Pro-Mix Heal and Feed, is a lawn fertilizer. We used this on our grass when it was time to fertilize. It is used to give a healthier soil, less watering and better stress resistance. It also gives your lawn stronger roots and less maintenance. It will continually feed and heal your lawn for up to six weeks. We know we fed our lawn a great product to create healthier grass.

The Pro-Mix seed adapts to various environment and soil conditions for guaranteed results. We seeded a few areas and about 3 weeks later we had noticed quite a difference as you can see by our pictures. We added grass seed to lawn that was patchy and yellowed.

Fertilizer was also spread in the hedges we were growing. Even they gave up more and are growing so strong and healthy!

We will be following up in a few more weeks as we will be putting down black dirt and growing a few area of grass in our previous "rock garden" that we have decided to cover in with grass. We were going to buy a few pieces of sod, but are going with a bit of black dirt instead in this area, and using the seed only.
Can't wait to see the end result! These products have resulted in amazing results for our lawn!

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