
January's Expenses

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

We made it through another month of life in the USA.. been enjoying the weather. Beats for sure what mom says we're getting back home in Canada, deep snow, blustery winds and with that blowing snow as well. We'll take the sun and a blue sky any day!
End of the month comes with a tally (in USD) of a partial list of our expenses that we track while away from home.

So here we go on what we spent for January-
-Food- $548.81
-Laundry- $15
-Camping - ( Our stay in Quartzsite for 2 weeks was $40 and that included free water and dumps)- $40
-Parking- $18 ( this was for parking at the lot in Winterhaven,Ca., when I went to have dental done)
-Water and dumps- $5 
-Propane - $67.51
-Gas for RV- $459.88 ( But this included gas to Quartzsite, as well as to Yuma, and our trip to Tucson and back again to Lake Havasu City, so we did a bit of miles!)
-Gas for SUV- $80
-Take out- $16.86

Change found for last month- .87 which we rounded up to $1 and gave to a homeless guy on one of the corners today.

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