Another month gone.
This end of January and beginning of February sees us down in Mexico getting dental work done.
I need ALOT... at least 3-4 root canals. Started today with a root canal that was 1.5 hours. Sure hard having your mouth open that long! May do another one come Monday and have some restoration of one of my gums the next day... I'm not sure which is stressing me more- the uncomfortableness of it all or the money we are having to spend! Gerry too has a bit of dental work he has to have done as well.
But on to what we have had had for expenses this past month and happy to say they are down from what we paid out in December:
(All expenses are in USD)
Gas for SUV: $76.78
Take out: $67.00
** Laundry : $14.75
Parking: $6.00
Camping $200
Propane: $52.79
Water and dumps: $50
Gas for the RV: $207.00 ( which includes the 3 hour trip to Mexico)
Groceries: $615.00 ( $65 free on gift card of that amount)
** When shopping for laundry detergent, consider picking up Arm & Hammer Sensitive Skin, Free & Clear. It's baking soda fresh and gentle on the skin. We love using the Arm & Hammer brand. While in the USA, and on the road, we do about 8 loads at the laundromat a month.
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