It's tax time! We will be off to pick up ours tomorrow. We've never had to pay in to the tax man, so always a nice time to look forward to, to have some extra money in the bank. Although just a few days ago our truck was back in the shop for more work... $800 later... we are all set again. Here I come back again to how nice it as to have our second vehicle- especially in times like these. Yeah it's rusting, but it's all paid for, and we weren't inconvenienced while the truck was in the shop for a few days.
On a final note, I came across this business called Soapy Mate. Look! It's paper soap! Mini paper soap sheets for travel, work, home... and great to take everywhere! Soapy Mate is made purely from natural and raw ingredients, uses eco-friendly packaging, and is 100% biodegradable. I'm definitely going to try it!
So sorry to hear about your dad. May he rest in peace.