As more and more women are relieved from time consuming
housekeeping chores, thanks to the modern equipment and
appliances that we have, they are finding time to cultivate
other activities. On the other hand, many families have grown
to the point where extra income is needed to make ends meet.
This report is provided as a means of earning some pretty good
money, right from the comfort of the home. Most women have the
skills necessary to make any of these plans work successfully -
using the sewing machine. Look over these plans very carefully;
at least one could be the one that you've been looking for.
Mending Service. Any woman with good sewing ability can earn
substantial money in most communities with this plan. Single
men and women who live alone are good prospective customers for
this service. They usually don't have the time, let alone the
skill, to bring their clothing up to standard, and will welcome
your services.
To reach these people, all you have to do is place a small
classified ad in your local newspaper - something like this:
MENDING, PATCHING, general clothing repairs at very reasonable
rates. Guaranteed, quality work. (phone number here).
Do good work and you will keep busy.. Word of mouth advertising
will bring you lots more business. Your rates should be
established according to the condition of the clothing, and the
amount of work to be done. Set your rates so you can average at
least $7.00 per hour or more. $100.00 per week should be easy
to earn.
Manufacture Curtains and Drapes. This type of specialized
sewing is not too common, and your chance for success using this
plan is outstanding. Your best bet is to offer custom work, at
prices about the same as "stock" curtains and drapes. To
contact prospective customers place a small ad something like
DRAPERIES AND CURTAINS made to order at reasonable prices. Best
Selections of material - all work guaranteed. Free estimates.
(your phone number here)
Contact a wholesale fabric distributor to obtain material
samples. Most will give them to you free; others may charge a
small deposit for them. Because you will be buying the material
from them, most will offer the samples free of charge. Be sure
to select a wide variety of samples, in all price ranges.
Almost all drapery and drapery hardware manufacturers also sell
or give away instruction booklets on how to measure material
needs and hang draperies.
Your earnings will be unlimited. Mildred started offering
custom drapes, and worked about 5 hours each day at the
beginning. Inside of just two years here husband quit his job
to become her installer - and stayed busy. Here policy was to
obtain prices on standard drapes from several stores in the
area, and then offer a better quality in custom drapes at the
same price. It didn't take long for the word to get out, and
she was soon manufacturing all the drapes for several housing
contractors in her area. She now nets as much as $500.00 per
Manufacture Rugs. Any heavy material, such as canvas or burlap,
can be used as a backing for rugs. On this material you simply
draw a pattern that you wish to create, or use transfer patterns
which are available at most supply houses. You then wind your
yarn around a guide and stitch to the material. You will
discover that with a little practice you can complete even the
most delicate pattern on your rugs.
Each finished rug can be an original creation, and you will have
a ready market for them. Your best bet is to offer consignment
to gift shops, furniture stores and perhaps appliance stores in
your area. Offer them a commission of 30% on each sale that
they make. Rugs of this type command a fair market price, and
your mark-up will be excellent. The average small throw rug
should sell for about $12.00, and even allowing a 30% commission
will still give your about a 6 to 1 mark-up.
Also consider selling your crafts at the local flea markets and
swap meets. One gal in San Jose is averaging about $200.00 a
week in sales at the flea market. A lot of her customers are
back time and again - they like the quality. Do good work and
you can enjoy the same type of success.
Letters and Emblems. In many areas it is almost impossible for
schools and sports teams to find letters and emblems for their
uniforms and sweaters. If you are interested in this plan you
should first contact the sporting goods stores in your ares.
Offer to contract with them to provide the letters and emblems
for all the uniforms that they sell. Most stores will be more
than glad to contract with a local source of supply, as they
must nearly always order everything from out of town. Although
this plan is seasonal, once you become established, all future
business will be automatic, and could amount to several thousand
dollars a year.
If your own one of the new "wonder" sewing machines that can do
jobs like this practically automatically, this may be for you!
Custom Sewing for Special Women. Stout and very tall women,
plus super-small women, are considered hard to fit. If you have
dress making abilities, you can build a profitable business very
quickly, with a minimum of effort.
Your first step will be to make a study of the types and
materials that will make dresses and skirts more presentable for
stout, tall and super small women. If you can come up with a
wardrobe plan for each customer that presents good taste and
style, at a reasonable price, you are in! Keep them
well-dressed and happy with your work and word of mouth alone
will give you more business than you dreamed possible.
This is a specialized sewing field, and the demand is already
established. Clothing stores can't handle this type of
business, because the "dress factories" do not set up for
anything except "standard-fit" sizes. You have a wide open
Assembling a good variety of specially sized patterns is
important. If you don't know how to fit properly, visit your
local library and find out about books and manuals that can
teach you. There are many.
Stuffed Toys. Make a visit to any toy outlet in your area and
count the large numbers of stuffed toys - especially around
Christmas time. To manufacture these pretties does not require
any special skills, other than the use of a sewing machine.
You simply cut out and sew together patterns, such as dolls,
pandas, teddy bears, a nd others. Stuff them and you are in
business. You can take orders and sell direct to the stores in
your area, in quantity lots, or offer them on consignment. Also
consider flea markets and swap meets. A good price is paid for
good work, and if you have a little imagination, you can create
YOUR ORIGINALS. Large stuffed toys can sell for a such as
$120.00 - and that's mostly profit - as your cost for materials
will be very small.
Specialty Products. One of the most overlooked items to come
off the sewing machine is the apron. Come up with a dozen
designs and offer them "imprinted" with the personal name of
someone - to order. A few samples left on consignment in stores
will bring home the bacon. Also consider "custom" made towels,
face cloths, pan holders, scarves and you name it. The material
cost is very low, and the time involved is minute. Place a few
samples with gift shops and offer them a 30% commission. The
bucks will be pouring in. Let your imagination run wild with
these products. It could blossom into a full time venture for
you overnight!
Repair & Zipper Service for Dry Cleaners. If you live in a city
and know how to install zippers, make suit repairs, turn collars
and cuffs, etc., your authorized dry cleaners may be in need of
your services. Many of these stores have calls for repairs, but
not often enough to employ a full-time seamstress. Comb the
stores that you could service without too much driving around,
and make up a sensible price schedule. Business cards and order
blanks should be left for them to call you if a pick-up is ready.
In general your skills will be important, but your business will
grow and be profitable because you develop a clientele that
comes back to you because they are satisfied, and you know (or
learn) what you have to change, how to estimate and how to buy
well (to make a reasonable commission on goods.)
Repeat business is always more valuable than new customers. New
customers are harder to find and advertising is more expensive
than "keeping in touch"
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