We are learning more means of making more responsible decisions to help out our Mother Earth. Whether you are looking to purchase a vehicle that runs on alternate fuel, wanting to save all the resources you can by making your own clothes, gifts, crafts or home decor, you will find a multitude of suggestions on these blogs. Preserving the earth's precious resources is the best way to be certain our children still have a place to call home. You'll obtain recommendations from crocheting to planting a garden to entertaining your children without buying more environmentally unfriendly toys on this accumulation of sites. Turn over a new leaf and find ways to make your life and lessen your carbon footprint.
http://www.mnn.com/ Mother Nature Network - Do you have questions about going green? This useful site is almost guaranteed to have the answer. Become aware of transportation that is earth-friendly, many ways to green up your business place, eco-friendly ideas for your home and even more.
Inexpensive ways to go green, which includes up-to-date information and special tips to help people adopt a more Earth-friendly lifestyle without draining their wallets.
http://blog.craftzine.com/ Blog Craftzine - It won't take you long to see that you'll find nearly everything on this site. You just might not believe the variety here - from soap making to upholstery repair to sponsored craft fairs. This site will keep you up to speed with what is happening in the crafting community.
http://www.makeandtakes.com/ Makes and Takes - This site is filled with doable projects that you will actually want to finish with your kids, and better still, your kids will want to finish them too.
http://www.notmartha.org/ Not Martha - If you have not come across this website in your surfing, you're definitely in for a treat. Despite the humorous and catchy title, it's absolutely full of crafts and creations, with a smattering of gourmet talent as well. For all of us who don’t feel like we are aspiring Martha Stewarts or Julia Childs, find manageable craft and recipe suggestions on this memorable site.
http://www.creativejewishmom.com/ Creative Jewish Mom - Journey along with Sara as she helps you to make life a daily special occasion.
http://crafts.kaboose.com/ Crafts at Kaboose - Realize just how many super simple crafting projects you and your family can do with items you have around the house on this enjoyable website and forum.
http://www.fabmums.com/ Fab Mums - This goldmine of a site provides a “Learn Through Play” portion where you will find all kinds of methods to help your child make learning connections as they play. You will also discover pointers to etsy bargains and doable projects for you to make at home.
http://www.hostessblog.com/ Hostess With the Mostess - will provide you with a ready-made compilation of creative helps for entertaining and hosting the very best party. Get inspiration for party favors, invitations, centerpieces, motifs and more. Become the hostess with the very best get-togethers ever.
http://dollarstorecrafts.com/ Dollar Store Crafts - When money is tight, but you continue to need gifts and craft ideas, trust this site for affordable projects.
http://gingerbreadsnowflakes.com/ Gingerbread and Snowflakes - is an adorable crafter's blog where you can discover many brand new approaches. Allow Pam to teach you her tasty recipes and fun crafts. Learn how to do tin punch art or give your garden more pizazz and join in the celebration of lesser known holidays. Your smile factor will increase when you visit this inviting space.
http://www.desiretoinspire.net/ Desire To Inspire – Wrap yourself up in helpful interior design tips and photos on this site. It is beautiful enough to make you say wow - I wish my home was that brilliant….
http://yarnstorm.blogs.com/jane_brocket Yarn Storm - Discover oodles of crochet projects on this blog by Jane. You will likely get a kick out of soaking up her world, learning more about embroidery, refreshing your quilting skills, and trying all her recipes too.
https://www.craftstylish.com/ Crafty Stylish - Will appeal to your inner seamstress. You can find out how to whip up just about any article of clothing with the patterns and hints on this gorgeous blog.
http://www.oneprettything.com/ One Pretty Thing- Presents you with a pleasing array of craft notions. You’ll find more kid’s crafts, sewing projects for you and your family, decorating ideas and party helps than you could ever make use of in just one lifetime. You'll enjoy yourself here so much!
http://cuteable.com/ Cuteable - Don't miss your chance to find fun and helpful sites on the web to get products or inspiration to dream up your own perfect craft.
http://sarahlondon.wordpress.com/ Sarah London - Be introduced to thoughts on crochet on this colorful blog. Get ideas for sweaters, pillow shams, blankets, the perfect gift and even more here. Just grab your crochet hook and get going!
http://doityourselfmama.wordpress.com/ Do It Yourself Mama - Come along with this SAHM on her trek to be as healthy, natural, frugal and self sufficient as she and her family can, yet continue to live life with gusto.
http://papernstitchblog.com/ Paper N Stitch - Looking for paper crafts to make or buy? You’ll be sure to have stumbled on the mother lode when you go to this site.
http://craftfail.com/ Craft Fail - And here is a bonus site that is lots of fun. Here you can luxuriate – and laugh - secure in the knowledge that it isn't only you who makes a few minor – or perhaps major mistakes occasionally while finishing a project at home.
http://failcycle.com/ FailCyle - Here is yet another freebie for you as an additional perk for making it through this whole list! Please note: this is especially for anyone who participates in the Free Cycle program. Laugh along with others as they share their not-so-successful attempts to communicate through the Free Cycle system.
Just look at that - now you've got websites to bookmark and visit frequently! Get a kick out of going green with the hints provided for you at these sites, and laugh out loud with the extras.
About the Author
Colleen O. Ridgely writes and writes and writes. Her zest for life finds its greatest outlet in writing. She is interested in classes online and any other way to learn she can discover the world over.
Blogs To Find Creative ," Going Green" Ideas For Crafters
Saturday, September 29, 2018
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Thanks for sharing
ReplyDeleteThanks for the great list, and for including Dollar Store Crafts & CraftFail!
ReplyDeleteOur guest writer had included it- nice to have you along.
ReplyDeleteVery great list of links! thanks for sharing them!
ReplyDeleteGreat collection - thanks for sharing and I look forward to sharing with my Green Families!
ReplyDeleteHow did I miss this?? Great list, and thanks for including Do It Yourself Mama!
ReplyDeleteYour quite welcome.Nice to see this has been helpful to so many.
ReplyDeleteThis is great. thanks for sharing