
It's Time To Hit The Road Soon!

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Time to hit the road soon- the weather is getting cooler and we're both ready for a get away.  We know we are always taking the chance with dodging the chance of snow on the way down, at least till the weather starts heating up in the states further south.

Hoping to avoid that white stuff and go a bit of a different path on the way down south, to see a few different things. In November we'll also be seeing Ria for a few days in Vegas as she will be there for DEMA. Booked about 4 days at the KOA in Las Vegas. Wanted to be camped somewhere that had amenities plus gated. $70 CDN a night there.

Gerry got gas yesterday for the beat and it took 184 litres of gas for $249.38 CDN. Would have been $270 CDN but he had a $20 CDN credit on our Petro Canada loyalty card. Filled propane too- $30.60 CDN.

We'll be on the road mid week and once again have a neighbor looking after our home and mom picking up my mail while I'm away.

Gerry bleeding the brakes today as is noticed when he did go out for gas and propane the other day he really didn't have an brake power! Said air in lines so getting that looked after today.

Have to get services turned off/ suspended, and water turned off next week. 
Monday being the holiday weekend, everything will be at a stand still.

Front street paved over the last few weeks as well as many of the main roads around town. End result was nice but not so much the detours. Heard someone squealing tires on our today.. couldn't leave it I guess!

Back has been bothering me so much - I assume arthritis,mornings mostly- that I'm turning to simple back exercises I found online that seem to be making a difference. Good as long as I am walking around but mornings getting out of bed can be rough. I walked all hunched over in the morning like I'm 80.

Used up a cup of rolled oats I had too in the freezer and made some oatmeal mini chips cookies. Turned out quite yummy!

And how is everyone else doing ?

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