
What is Happening With The Web Site??

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Some of you may have already noticed that the site has changed a bit. For a few days we were a totally different look and now back to a half half look of what the new site was going to look like and the old site.

Sorry, my fault.. and I'm trying to get some order back to it. I wanted to try to switch from Blogger to Word Press but unfortunately, me not being too techie and really not great with computer stuff at all, I just couldn't do grasp it. Seemed too complicated for me and now I am trying to switch it all back. Unfortunate as well for me, I lost money doing this, as someone had to take the time to work on a new site for me. I'll chalk this up as a lesson for the books on " being happy with what you have."

So please be patient and we'll try to have some order back up soon.


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