Anyhow, back to the vein appt., it was a free screening. The ultra sound showed I have one leg that is really struggling with pumping blood. The right leg. The left is sorta bad but the right is two times worst. It may even be one of the causes of my leg cramping in the evenings some nights while I sleep. And it would make sense as the right one is worst.The doctor explained how they can fix the leg with a modern technique. Takes 20 minutes. No down time. Cost? $2,000 USD. Am I getting it done? Well not at this point but it is nice that if you pay anything with cash, there is no wait time and anything can get done. He did say it would over time get worst. So something to think about. Do they do the procedure in Canada? Probably not- and not that would be covered by our coverage, and not without a long wait time.

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