
Trip To Scottsdale/Phoenix

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Not sure WHERE the days go but we are seriously seeing all the days just fly by.
Went into Scottsdale/Phoenix the other day. Had one overnight. Left the RV here in Quartzsite and stayed at La Quinta Inns and Suites in Scottsdale.
Was nice having free Wi-Fi at the hotel- especially since I've been paying here for time I have to buy for my Verizon device. Was a 2 hour drive to Scottsdale- took Jakey to kennel there- but since we didn't pick him up till after 12 next day, had to pay for 2 days- $76 USD. (Kennel/doggy day care fees are higher in the US we are finding than Canada but as well, most in the city are now asking for a "temperament fee". They want to charge $25 to see if your dog will get along with other dogs. We avoid these kennels. It's just an extra expense as far as we're concerned, and not worth it if your only leaving your dog for a few hours while you are out running errands!)

The cities are sooo busy with traffic too. Some parts were 5 lanes across that we wouldn't have wanted to take the RV.  You really have to be on the ball when driving! Camping is outside the city so would have been more inconvenient than not. I went for an appt. for some sclerotherapy for my legs. Found out as well that from my previous ultra sound with the vein doctor, that one one my legs is worst for blood flow than the other and I am at risk for deep vein thrombosis and clots. It's also the reason why I am having foot cramping at night at times and the reason why my skin is drying out. Basically I really need to get something done. The sclerotherapy helps with some spider veins but doesn't fix the bigger problems.

We did get a bit of shopping done but never as much as I'd like. As it takes so long to go from A to B in the city! Did get the rest of the blinds for the RV, so that was good- just waiting on Gerry to get them up. We were able to sell all the day/night shades and valences to a store taking used stuff like that here in town- and got $40 for everything. We were just going to take it all to the dump so worked for us. The new blinds are a nice change from the old shades and valances. 

We are getting the windshield in for the RV on Monday so will have to head into Parker and take Jakey to the sitters, go to Walmart and do some holiday shopping for each other perhaps, and head back. Suppose to be at least 3-4 hours for the windshield. And once the holidays/ Christmas is done we're planning a trip to see Palm Springs, Joshua Tree and Salton Sea. So goes the plan- so will see what happens. 

Found out today that I may have been wasting money with my internet. On a call today with the folks at Verizon I was told that even when I am disconnected my device needs to be shut right off. Well, it hasn't been! I could have cried. No wonder I have been going through data like crazy. She was good enough though to give me a $20 credit on my account and also credited me 1 GB back to my account. It's actually kind of like having your tv plugged in all the time. It still uses power, even though it's not technically on as it provides an instant one when your ready to use it. So now have to keep tabs on it. Frustrating though.

Anyhow, off to have some grub- turned out to be a nice day today. We had 18 degrees C.

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