Education can be among the top four huge expenses we pay out in our lifetime, however, in the last few years more and more colleges are offering students the ability to learn online. If you aren’t sure exactly how learning online could save you money, then let’s take a look at some of the perks.
No travel. One of the big budget suckers is the cost of commuting. With all of your classes right there on the computer, you needn’t be hopping on multiple buses or subways to get to your chosen campus. You also won’t be paying out for parking or gas.
Coffees, sandwiches, hot lunches, late snacks. All of these are so tempting and let’s face it, who doesn’t get hungry during the day? It would be an inevitable cost sometimes – even the thriftiest among us have forgotten their lunch and flask on more than one occasion. Each refreshment stacks up and can make a big dent in what you are spending or save each week.
You won’t lose a single penny of the wages from your current job. If you were to take physical classes however, well, you’d need to be there in person. This would undoubtedly eat into the time you should be spending at work in order to cover your everyday living expenses. Online learning is much more flexible for those of us who need to work too.
Printer ink cost be gone! Printer ink can cost a small fortune when you have to print all of your work for hand ins. Even though you’ll still need to be writing essays, you will be submitting them via email or online portals. You’ll never run out of ink or paper, and if you do, it will have no impact on your learning or grades.
Many online courses have a similar tuition rate to the traditional classes, so you might not be saving money here – however, some do have offers running with discounts. You might be able to find some that are cheaper, but those will be schools that specialize in online learning.
If you are a returning student or have credits to use, then you can knock some of the cost straight off the course. Great for people who are hoping to return and top up their degrees.
Sometimes you might want to make a complete career change, and that often comes with a lot of questions while you are on your way to make that happen. So, this isn’t so much a financial saving – but rather a time saving one. You could choose to do business management masters degree distance learning and keep it to yourself till you’ve finished. While support from family and friends can be great, often around test or coursework hand-ins it can be an extra pressure that you don’t need.
When you are done with your distance learning, your earning potential and career ladder climbing potential will both be higher, meaning that over the long term you will be making more money too.
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