
What's New With Us , For Sunday, May 27

Sunday, May 27, 2018

It's almost month's end and we'll soon see after keeping track of grocery expenses for a month, how we're comparing to the cost of groceries back in the USA. I know for sure it sure looks like things are more expensive here at home, even with the exchange rate. And I sure miss the 99 Cent Only store! Gerry misses how much cheaper the meats are and how much more he can get for his $$ in the USA.

Jakey goes for a hair cut in less than 2 weeks and it will cost $62 with the tax. In the USA we pay $25 USD and that's WITH the tax.

If I didn't mention it last update, Gerry has gone back to work for the summer and still faring well with that. It has had it's hiccups but so far, he's still hanging in there. The extra money is coming in handy though. Since he did get the job though, he was to have a phone so he could text with bosses and the crew, so now we both have iphone 6's. We really have gotten into texting and using them!

We won a radio auction and got $40 off 10 yards of limestone, to make a level pad to park the RV on in the backyard, but even with discount it was still a $205 cha-ching.

Also going to tear down the back fence and gate and do a rebuild with a better design and better gate. Will update once that's done.

We took apart the hide a bed in the RV, sold that part of it for $20 and made a storage area under it instead, since we could use that more than the bed that was in it that wasn't being used. The couch is such an ugly floral pattern but still in good shape so we just cover it with a couch slip cover!

We had to get 4 new tires for the back of the RV for $1,000, since ours had gashes in them ( as shown above)- and Gerry said were about 6-7 years old. Also heard we need new brake pads.

There is a big "to do" list with the RV for things Gerry wants to fix up on the inside and outside. We've been asked if we are going anywhere for the summer but we don't think so- not with Gerry working- and if we do go anywhere it won't be far.

Been doing yard work and sprucing things up. Just got me a strawberry plant and some tomato plants - will see how those turn out. The tomato plants were $2.49 each and the strawberry plant was $19.99. Have a few seed packs we have to use too that we got free in the mail so will have to think of a spot for those. Also maybe pick up some new mulch around the trees.

The front hedges are growing- think their third summer but still slow on coming up on the front, for some reason? 

And how is your summer going so far? We'll be sure to chat again!

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