
How To Quickly Improve Productivity Of Employees

Friday, July 5, 2019

Employees play a significant role in an organization. The more tasks your workers can do, the more value they’ll add to your business. Yet, whenever employees get subjected to poor conditions, their productivity level reduces.

As a manager, there are certain factors that affect employees’ productivity. A happy, vibrant and motivated staff is what makes a successful company. If you have a productive team, you’re assured of more profits and improved customer service.

But how will that happen? Here are 7 tips you can use to improve the productivity of employees:

Reduce The Number Of Meetings

Meetings assist in getting tasks done. But, a couple of them are time-wasters. In many circumstances, you’ll find meetings filled with redundant discussions. If you have a message to convey to your workers, you can email them or speak to them in person. 
As a manager, it is important to reserve meetings for special situations. Such as, when you want employees to brainstorm new ideas, or if you’re looking for a solution to a problem.

The next time you want to pass a message, ask yourself if you can do so via a phone call or email. This way, you’ll reduce unnecessary meetings and distractions, hence saving time.

Encourage Regular Breaks: Working for long hours reduces employees’ productivity. If you spend the whole day at a desk, your body will register low energy levels and, you’ll experience burn-out.

According to the recent research, 54% of deaths result from sitting for long hours. People who sit without making moves have a high chance of developing high blood pressure.

Employees’ need to take regular breaks to increase their concentration at work. For instance, you can allow your workers 10 minutes to grab a cup of coffee. Notice, high productivity has nothing to do with long working hours. So, employees' need to perform their tasks without having to sacrifice their health.

Improve Communication

Proper communication is important in any workplace. Without it, the organization will fail to meet its objectives. When information is not conveyed as expected, employees make assumptions. As a result, confusions arise, and tasks are not completed in time.

As a manager, you need a platform where there’s open communication between you and your workers. You should not allow your team members to share their ideas or problems only in the meetings. Instead, ask them to contact you via phone calls, emails or Skype.

Thus, effective communication enhances productivity. Also, it creates a solid relationship between managers and employees.

Offer Incentives. To increase job satisfaction and general performance at work, start recognizing your employees. You can start with a small gesture like a thank you note, a hug or announcing their achievement. This way, your employees will feel appreciated and, you’ll improve their confidence.

Also, give incentives for a job well done. For instance, you can increase the employee’s salary, or promote them. Besides, you can opt for a professional development. Surprise them with a training to assist in advancing their careers.

Moreover, you can go the extra mile and offer your workers a free family holiday. Be sure to check the family vacation packages which will suit them. Keep in mind, lack of recognition at work can force your employees to find jobs elsewhere.

Train Employees

 A well-trained employee will perform tasks well in the workplace. Forcing new employees to work on a difficult task can be dangerous. There will be poor performance, and productivity will decrease.

So, whenever you realize your workers lack a few skills, set aside time and train them. You don’t want to keep correcting their errors. Do you? There’re various ways to enhance their skills. You can coach them or allow them to take short courses.

While assisting your employees to improve their skills, you'll build an advanced workforce. Hence, an increase in productivity.

Consider Remote Working. Flexibility in the working hours will enable employees to perform better. Yes, remote working isn’t for everyone. But, it is fun with other workers. Employees who work from home tend to be more effective. In most cases, you’ll notice they log in extra hours to finish tasks.

Besides, some workers experience difficulty working in a noisy environment. Such events occur in open offices where you’re working with loud colleagues. Or when calls are being received. Such distractions can make one lose focus.

Remote working allows employees to perform tasks from anywhere without restrictions. For this reason, it will assist in improving work efficiency.

Enhance Workplace Ergonomics. Providing your workers with efficient tools and equipment will increase work efficiency. Poor ergonomics can lead to frustrations and fatigue. Imagine a situation where there's no printing device in the workplace.  And the employee has to wait for longer for work to get printed.

To increase productivity, you have to ensure that your workers are comfortable. Effective equipment reduces manpower. Besides, it plays a role in how people perceive your company.

All in all, it’s good to develop a conducive environment for your employees. First, start by getting rid of meetings. Next offer incentives, then allow effective communication. With that in mind, you’ll experience high productivity in your organization.

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