
Three Ways to Keep Legal Fees Low

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

There are times when you need a little professional help, when those homegrown skills just won’t cut it. One of those times is when you’re in need of some legal expertise. Sure, you could try and wing it but you may well end up costing yourself more if things don’t go the way you want them.

Instead you need the help of a lawyer. Unfortunately this help doesn’t come cheap, so in this blog we’re looking at three ways you can keep your legal fees low while getting the assistance you need.

Be Prepared

With a little searching around on the internet, you should find that there are several lawyers who will offer a free initial consultation. This might be as little as 15 minutes or as long as 45 so find a lawyer that gives you the maximum time for that first discussion.

Then it’s down to you to make the most of that time allocated. Don’t go in empty handed. Have with you every piece of documentation you feel is relevant but more importantly than that, have those documents in a logically ordered file. If you’re particularly organised you may also want to write or type out a timeline of the events connected to your case. Every minute you can save explaining your case, is a minute where you’ll be receiving advice for free, so make it count.

Image courtesy of Pexels: CC0 licence

Get Clarity on Payment

Is your preferred lawyer offering you a no-win, no-fee deal where you only pay if your case is successful or will you have to pay an hourly rate? 
If your lawyer offers the former option, like McGilberry & Shirer LLP, then find out on what conditions they’d be prepared to take your case. If there is an hourly rate then find out what that is and if it can be capped, paid in installments and so on to help you keep track and a limit on your spending.

Email over telephone

It’s quite possible that your lawyer will charge by the hour and when you’re going through a complicated legal situation a phone call can be counted as billable hours, despite not speaking to your lawyer face to face.

If that is the case then you can cut down on those billables by sending an email instead. You may not get the answer you’re looking for straight away but neither should it be charged to you, saving you money in the long run.

When you are facing a difficult legal situation you want to know that you have the best representation that you can afford to make sure that the outcome is favourable. While the thought of spending out can be daunting, it’s possible to reduce the overall total with some careful planning and finding out the rates and options on payment with your lawyer.

Use any free time you have wisely, plan your meetings well and have with you all the paperwork you need and email rather than phone.

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