
Wishing You All A Happy New Year Ramblings

Thursday, December 31, 2009

How many of  you are going out tonight and celebrating? Perhaps having friends in, or sitting with your honey for a few drinks on the couch, waiting for the New Year to ring in? I'm not too sure what I'll be doing by midnight or if I'll be staying up.We didn't go out.The girls both were going out tonight.

Anyone with  New Year's Resolutions? That's something I don't think I've ever done.

My daughter,Erika, said there was people buying up all the fireworks at the convenience store today,( one of her part time jobs), but it's so cold here in the winter that it doesn't make it enjoyable.We did try it a few years in the past but were so cold. I didn't even get out of the vehicle- just Gerry, my brother and his boys did.More enjoyable for things like that in the summer.

We will be taking down all the Christmas decorations tommorow. How long do you keep your decorations up for?

I would like to wish you all  a very happy New Year, filled with all your dreams and wishes, good health and happiness, from our family to yours!

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year! I took my tree down the day after Christmas. To me there's nothing sadder than a Christmas tree after the presents are gone from under it. My lights have been lit till last night. I'll take them down once the weather warms some, here in So. IL that could be next week, you never know! So while they will be up, they won't be lit.


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