
Update- Our Garden

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Wanted to see if there were potatoes in the garden yet to make for supper today. Gerry dug up a few of the plants and all we had was no more than 2 under each plant.Not sure what happened there. He said it may have been the soil or the potato seed themselves. It's most frustrating.

The carrots are small and I don't think we'll see tomatoes. We had started them indoors this year but then we had storm and it killed them, so we bought more plants at Walmart after that-and they just haven't done anything.

A few green onions we have as well, some leaf lettuce that I've fed to the guinea pigs and we have peas.

I would love to hear from any avid gardeners out there on why plants may be small or why we got so little potatoes from our plants.



  1. In my neck of the woods, the summer has been incredibly hot and incredibly dry..

    My tomatoes did insanely well in this weather (they were out of control - which could partly be because of the heavily manured new soil I added in)..

    The carrots are puny, like yours.. Beets are basically non existent as well.. I had the same deal with potatoes as you - only a few under each plant.

    This was my first year for planting tomatoes, so I am not sure what IS normal?

  2. What is your neck of the woods? We are in Saskatchewan.Very northern.We also had 2 bad hail storms this year that gave our plants a beating.

  3. I'm in Winnipeg.. I also MEANT to write that it was my first year growing potatoes, not tomatoes :-)

  4. Yes, and I never had any other replies from other gardeners out there. I know last year we had about 5 potatoes under each tree but it was different seed and different soil.


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