
Save Money on Gas and Electricity

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

With winter in full swing and temperatures dropping to well below freezing, there is one sure way to raise your body temperature and that is by simply looking at your gas or electrical bill. Households can spend a lot of money on gas and electricity, which can become especially evident in the winter months as we raise the thermostat to heat our homes. In fact, just turning down your thermostat by 1°C, can lower your heating bills by as much as 10%, and if you are lucky enough to escape winter for a bit, leaving the thermostat at a low setting will provide protection from freezing at a fraction of the cost. Small changes can go a long way to make a big difference. Simply replacing your old light bulbs with energy efficient ones will use 75% less energy and will last 6 times longer. When stepping away from home appliances and electronics make sure to turn them completely off. Leaving electronics, such as a computer monitor, on standby or charge unnecessarily can use 10-60% of the energy than if the appliance was switched on. Nothing is better than warming up with tea on a cold winter nights, but boiling more water than necessary is also an energy waster and will add to your electrical bill

Don’t let the cost of gas and electricity leave you out in the cold. Lowering your energy usage will not only help your wallet but also the environment.

For more ways to save money on gas and electricity look here.

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