
Club Pack Savings

Sunday, August 23, 2009

I must admit , that although I save money with buying alot of my food items on clearance, I have only recently started paying more attention to club pack and warehouse items. I certainly can see where the money saved will add up, by buying this way.It will also save on more frequent trips to the grocery store.

Today I bought a case of soup for example that would have normally costed me $1.07 a can, but by buying the case, I only paid $5.99 for the case. Saving me $6.85 on the case. We also bought a bag of 19 pork chops for $17.00- normally this would have cost $42 if bought pre-packaged, and a pack of 12 pizza pops for $5.99 which would have cost $3-$4 more if bought in the smaller boxes.

This is just a small example of how club pack and warehouse packs can save you money.

Of course if you also have coupons for any of these items, this is another added bonus.

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