
January's Expenses Out Here in the Desert

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Well, January has almost come to an end, and for all of January I kept track of our expenses. We wanted to see where money was going and perhaps what we could do the following month to lower any expenses. It does make it challenging I must add with the Canadian dollar being as low as it is. In the end, everything is costing us more. However, we are enjoying no snow- but at a cost!

Expenses for January:

Gas for RV- even though we're parked, we do need to fill the RV for gas to run the generator .
$120 USD

Propane for RV- which is for hot water tank, furnace and fridge
Going to turn down furnace lower for evenings and shut hot water tank off at night and put it back on in the morning. See if those things help with lowering bill for February
$67 USD

Laundry- Do hang alot of it out- washing smaller things in a pail of water in the bathroom
But we do make a few trips to laundromat - about once a week for bigger items like sheets, blankets, etc
$15.50 USD

Gas for the SUV
Gas for SUV for our Palm Springs trip this month-filled for 
$30 USD

Take out- ( I did have a few coupons from Burger King too this month)

Groceries- this one really hurt! I used some coupons when I could but found not having a Walmart nearby made a big difference. We have shopped them and things are alot cheaper. We shopped Dollar Stores but the meat, frozens, fruits and veggies at grocery stores costed us. Back home I use more coupons, get more clearance deals, and match flyers with coupons and watch for deals. For February we'll be doing a once a week Walmart shop- even if it means driving a bit further than the other stores.. we feel it will still be worth it.
We'll also be challenging ourselves to spend less each week during February.
$545 USD



  1. Sounds not too bad, just under $1,300 CAD. Ours will be slightly higher for January at about $1,500 CAD but we did more driving in our motorhome and gas is more expensive here and we also did lots of sightseeing. Our food cost were a lot lower though. Just a suggestion, if you are going to the Yuma Walmart from Quartzsite then you will pass a lovely fruit and vegetable stand called Gonzalez Produce just before entering into Yuma. They have nice prices and lovely produce. Here is our post about it along with the GPS coordinates

  2. one of the things I am not seeing in your expenses is the camping fees. That is a big part when we travel.

  3. Yes very true. Although right now we are staying at LTVA- long term in Arizona and paid $180 for 6 months


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