The New Year can be an expensive period for anyone living through it. You’ve just had Christmas, you’ve blown a lot of cash on the Boxing Day sales, and now you’re biting your lip over what January 1st will bring you in terms of bills. The festive season can be a very easy time to lose yourself in, so it’s no wonder you’ve spent a lot of money in the run up to this time of year, and no one can blame you! But let’s make sure you’re not worrying holes in your lips, and think about the steps you could take next.
Padding out your income, especially during such a slow business time, can seem hard - but it isn’t impossible. If you’re someone in need of a bit of extra cash for the upcoming year, that’s less than a month away, this post is here to help. After all, there’s plenty of ways to make money quickly, but you’re going to want to invest your time and interest in the most fun and rewarding ways to do so. So here’s a few suggestions for your evaluation.
Celebrations like this don’t pay for themselves! (Source)
Collect Up All Your Receipts
You’ve been spending a lot over the past month or so, and you’ve probably still got some receipts backdate from November or so… well, now’s the time to put these to good use! Your receipts can make you a bit of extra money on the side these days, as long as you keep them safe, and download the relevant apps that can reward you simply for spending and retaining proof of purchase.
So, what apps out there reward you for this very simple activity? Well, there's quite a few, so feel free to try a few at once. Of course, the most crooned about online is Receipt Hog, so they’ll probably be your first port of call - but there’s some varying reviews over this service. So branch out to other apps like Ibotta, which can earn you some easy cash back at quite a few stores around the country, and you can even purchase through the app to earn some easy rewards in considerable amounts!
Put In Some Extra Hours
Sure, you may not want to work around the New Year season, but your bank account certainly wants you to! You’ve spent a lot of money before now, and you’re noticing even your savings account looking thinner than usual, so you’re definitely going to need to pack in some extra hours. Of course, you don’t have to work New Year’s Day if you manage to book it off in time, but that doesn’t mean you can’t use the five days after Christmas to really bring home the bacon!
Thankfully, these are busy times of the year, due to all the sales available, so you’ll be able to grab a bit more time at work. Extra hours always mean extra money, and all in all, it’s the only reliable way for you to bring an actual income on a regular basis. So make sure you put all your extra effort in to the after festive season, and even stay on an hour or so extra at the end of your normal shifts to make sure you’ve really got the money for a big celebration next year!
Head Online for Some Fast Options
If the above two options don’t sound like much to you, it’s time to turn to the rest of the internet. After all, there’s many different and varied ways to make money online, and you’re going to want to invest a bit of time and effort into them to make sure you get a big payout just in time for the big day.
Maybe you could try a site like, or maybe you could use a search engine extension that will pay you for certain keywords you tap in and then click on the ads for? Or maybe you could start filling in some surveys, and fill in at least ten or so per day to really maximize your funds here? Maybe you could use some cashback programs for whenever you shop online, and you’re probably going to be doing a lot of shopping during these sales coming up!
Ready to Make Some Extra Money?
It can feel a bit daunting at first, but there’s plenty of ways you can make money; you just need to find a way you’re comfortable with! Take the time now to research.
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