
Myths About Entrepreneurs That You Should Know

Thursday, May 9, 2019

The decision to become an entrepreneur is unarguably a huge one. This is why it’s so important that you step into the life with your eyes wide open. Unfortunately, there are many myths surrounding entrepreneurship that might put you off the role, attract you to it, or, worse still, cause you to make further mistakes once you have made a choice one way or the other. With that in mind, here are six myths about entrepreneurs that you should be aware of.

Entrepreneurs Are Money Motivated
Any successful entrepreneur in the world can tell you that starting your own business is not an effective get-rich-quick scheme. As explained at, it can take anywhere from six months to several years for new businesses to become profitable. This means that you need motivations other than money to keep you going through tough times.

Entrepreneurs Never Give Up
Every single entrepreneur in the world has to quit at some point. In fact, they have to quit at many. They quit their old jobs, quit unprofitable ideas, and much more. If you refuse to give up anything, then you’ll never be able to break free from your shackles, grow, and move on to something better. True success is knowing what to give up and when to give it up.

Entrepreneurs Need Huge Funding
Running a business isn’t cheap, but that doesn’t mean that you need a pile of cash to get your idea off the ground. Instead of seeking angel investors, speaking to banks, and borrowing from friends and family, most entrepreneurs fund their ventures using the money in their own back pockets. They find ways to cut back and bootstrap so that they don’t owe anything later.

Entrepreneurs Always Work Alone
Although most entrepreneurs do begin their businesses alone, they rarely work on their own for very long. Instead, they outsource to agencies, like, bring on interns, and eventually hire full-time members of staff. Being an entrepreneur is a lot of work, which means that you will struggle if you try to do it all by yourself.

Entrepreneurs Take Huge Risks
Simply living life can be risky. From stepping foot in an elevator to buying a house, there are many choices that we make throughout our lives that could potentially have negative results. However, we understand when making these choices that the rewards outweigh this potential. In the same way, entrepreneurs only take risks after carefully considering what could go wrong.

Entrepreneurs Have It Easy
When most people imagine entrepreneurship, they only think of the good parts, like the flexible schedule, unlimited income potential, and the ability to wear whatever you want. However, there are many downsides to the role too. You have to work longer and harder than ever before and don’t have quite as much freedom as first thought. It isn’t easy, but it can still be rewarding.

Before you jump into the life of an entrepreneur, make sure that you’re clear on exactly what you’re getting yourself into.

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