Whenever I get a great looking book in the mail to review, I always spend the next few days glued with my nose in it!
I was fortunate to get the book Work Less, Live More
(The Way to Semi-Retirement), by Bob Clyatt, to review.
This book was very interesting and one I will keep on my shelf for reference.Gerry is nearing the retirement age and this book offers practical ways to realize your goals and dreams, work fewer hours, and spend more time with your family.. and do it all before the normal retirement age of 65.
With this book- you'll learn that with a little planning you can do it.
You can also purchase the workbook
which will help you with putting your plans all on paper and move closer to semi retirement right now.Work fewer hours, realize your dreams and goals and spend more time with your family.. doing it decaded before the normal retirement age of 65.
It's a thumbs up book!

This sounds GREAT.