
Is Anyone Having Trouble With Entering Our Giveaways?

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

I was wondering if I could ask if anyone is having troubles with entering my giveaways. I have had 1-2 readers who can't seem to enter.

One reader says:

I am not getting any error messages.
If I remember correctly I usually fill in my info and I select google as my profile.
then, I usually have to fill out a that correct?

the last several days there is no captcha and it appears to be going through but then nothing shows up on the site.

any help would be appreciated.

If anyone can offer any help -it would be most appreciated.
Thank you-


  1. I have had the same problem using Internet explorer (not on your site but on a few others).. I don't have any problems with using Google Chrome as my browser though!

  2. I just entered your Castle Bath giveaway, and I didn't have any problem at all. I am using Firefox.

    Thanks for stopping by for this weeks Wobble Over Wednesday :)

  3. I've had people having the same problem with leaving comments on my blog as well. I went ahead and got rid of the captcha. That didn't help. I have gotten comments from others, so I'm not sure. I know I had problems leaving comments on blogger before switching over to Google Chrome. I'm a new follower from the Wobble Over Wednesday Hop.

  4. I also had some trouble the other day on your site and a few others..i was using internet explorer aswell, i am now using google chrome with no problems..

  5. I had to go to Tools, then internet options and then fix my cookies.

  6. I have been having trouble commenting on this site and others for about 3 months. Thanks for the suggestions that the other people commenting left.

  7. I haven't tried on this web site lately, but I DID have a similar problem just now on another blog. I closed out of the blog and opened it again in another window; this time I got the captcha and everything went fine. I use Internet Explorer and don't share my cookies.


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