
Cutting Out Cable and Still Keeping Entertained

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Cutting out entertainment is one of the hardest things to do these days. It seems like all day long we are staring at glowing screens in order to receive information, laugh, cry, and stay connected with friends. If one of our media outlets was pulled out from under our feet, it might start a slippery slope into withdrawal, depression, or even worse boredom.

If you are looking to save money on your entertainment budget, you should look into cutting out your cable subscription. You need to access the Internet for work related purposes and keeping a cell phone around is always important for communication. Cable is fast becoming a disposable medium in our ultra connected world. Here are some of the ways you can entertain yourself without it:

Having a smartphone is an absolute necessity in our modern society. There is no way to get around having one if you are a business professional, student, or parent of an over materialistic teenager. The good thing about owning a smartphone is that it is an all in one communication and entertainment device. You can watch clips from your favorite television shows while carrying about important texts and calls on the same device. By purchasing a Prepaid Phone and setting data limits you can save even more money on entertainment.

Streaming Services
There are websites like and Telly TV that offer everything from sporting events to award shows live through their streaming website. Users plug in an HDMI cable to their televisions and upload live content straight to their computers. The best part about these websites is that they are totally free to use. You can also chat with other people watching in real time.

Network Television
With the edginess of cable attracting creative producers and actors away from the networks, there has been a lack of quality shows on free TV. Fortunately the nightly news is still an unbiased source of information, unlike the cable channels. You can also nod off to Dave Letterman and Jimmy Fallon as the night progresses.

The publicity surrounding Netflix has been pretty negative in recent months. They have changed names of their services, jacked up their prices, and disregarded customer service. At the end of the day, the streaming service is still a valuable investment if you do not have cable. For only $7.99 a month you can access quality programming from networks like CW, HBO, and Comedy Central whenever you want as well as tens of thousands of movies to discover.

One of the oldest forms of entertainment, reading, can be accessed for absolutely no cost. You can visit a public library or read blog posts and news articles online instead of watching television. This will stimulate your mind because it is not as passive of an activity as absorbing scripted programming.

Remember that how you choose to spend your time without cable can be very rewarding if you choose for it to be. Don't start panicking about missing your favorite shows because they will always be available online and in DVD packages.

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