
Friday- April 6

Friday, April 6, 2012

I've been feeling kind of guilty lately about not writing more personal posts, but have been keeping busy.

The weather had been turning nice and I've started walking outdoors again. The first day I went out was a real shock to my feet and the next day I had to forgo the walk.It's alot different walking on the road than just walking on my treadmill. Plus I don't stay on the treadmill as long as I will if I'm walking outside. I can see why most treadmills end up becoming a place to hang boring!Weather raining all day today and a snowfall warning in effect for this evening. Cool temps all week after that, making it a no walking outdoors week for sure I can see.

On another note, Gerry sprained his ankle last weekend. Stepped off the edge of our walkway the wrong way and ouch! He's recovering quite well, and only used the "disposable crutches" the hospital gave him for 2 days. He found they gave him blisters on his hands and he was getting bad rub marks under his arms.No fun.

I got my hair colored the other day, but found the hairdresser went way too dark for my liking and I do not like it.Going from blonde to dark brown is too much of a change for me, and I think I will try to switch back.I'm going to try a few tips I found online to remove hair dye and see if these will make any difference.If anyone else has tried any of these tips or have had their own hair experiences, I'd love to hear from you.

We're changing out all the brass/gold doorknobs in here, but it will be costing us less than most people would pay, since we're spray painting them.It will actually not be too bad.Gerry bought aluminum spray paint and tried one already and it looks great. Yesterday he took all the hinges and door knobs off and gave them all one or two coats of spray and will be replacing them on later. Hopefully I can get you all a few photos to see.

Today being Good Friday is a quiet day though. A good day to do some house cleaning and sit indoors and watch the rain...

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