
Roatan Photos and a Family Update

Friday, January 10, 2014

Ria sent over some more photos from Roatan, and wanted to share them.

Erika,(other daughter), is leaving tomorrow with her boyfriend Jon- for Calgary, where he got a job there. Gives us an excuse to travel west now! We are hoping that this summer there will be a place in Saskatoon that will be renting a rv that will allow Jakey,(as most don't except pets- even non shedding like him), and we can rent one and drive that way. We're wanting to give it a try to see if this is something we will like for the future, as Gerry's retirement is coming up within 4 years I believe.

Erika is breaking the 12-14 hour trip in half with a stop in Saskatoon to see Jon's sister, her boyfriend and their new baby. Erika and Jon are travelling in two separate cars and with a giant rabbit and a dog, so that in itself should be a challenge. I know our Jakey is usually restless by the time we get to the kennels when we travel the 4 hour drive to get there.

I think Gerry is starting the work on the new pantry this weekend. We only have two hardware stores so have to compare costs with those two. We have our points visa though which is nice, and one store also accepts Aeroplan, but we have to make sure the price is lower there as well. Will of course keep you up to date on the progress of that.

Have a great weekend everyone- off to pick up a paper and get the mail!

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