
Before and After Deck Project- Costing Us Only $40!

Saturday, June 20, 2015

My brother recently bought an extra lot next door to him, but also got the house on the lot. Last week while my daughter Ria was in town, she was taking things left in and out of the house and selling them, splitting the money with my brother's son. We were able to take what we had wanted from the house, and one thing Gerry had spotted was that the house had a nice deck railing and steps. Something we were planning to put aside some money for and build one this year. Well, we only ended up paying $40 for what you see here. My brother didn't want anything for it, and Gerry only had to buy adhesive, screws, caulking and wedges. Took it apart last week and today spent the whole day putting it together by himself, at our place. As you can see, it looks quite nice and we just love the Before and After. You just never know when someone may be getting rid of something that you yourself may make good use of!



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