He had been talking about selling the quad for a while since he didn't go out on it much- a few times last year- berry picking, a trip or two into the bush. Plus he did do some clearing of snow, but says he misses having a truck. We have the SUV and the car, but most guys that are handymen need a truck. To go to the lumber yard or to the dump. Gerry felt lost without a truck...so we made the trade off.
What he sold:
-quad: $4200
-helmets x 2- $30
-ramps- $150
and the plow and mount we used towards payment of the truck.
What he bought:
1996 truck- $1,000
but, since he traded the plow and mount that shaved $300 off the price.. so got it for $700 cash.
It will need a few things though- oil change, new starter, belt, etc., but still an all and all good deal, and my honey is happy with a truck to beat around in.
(Jakey on back of quad before it sold)

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