When gathering advice on how to save money, you’ll likely hear you should spend less. That’s definitely a great way to save some cash, but no matter what you do, living life requires a little green. You have to spend money sometimes!
If you really want to get serious about saving money, you have to know how to save it even when you’re spending it. Here are some tips that will help you save some green, even if when you’re forking it over on bills.
Get Smart About Sending Money
Get Smart About Sending Money
Sending money is easier than ever. Unfortunately, that also means it costs more than ever before to send it. Handing over cash may be free, but it isn’t possible if the recipient lives halfway across the country or the world.
Choose the right way to send money to keep fees low. For example, when sending money to Argentina, use Remitly. Your first transfer is completely free, and with multiple transfer options, you can save even more.
Make Online Payments
Make Online Payments
Are you still writing checks and paying bills by mail? If you are interested in saving money, you definitely have to pay your bills online.
Postage will be a thing of the past, and with letters costing more to send every year, you could see a significant savings. In addition, many services will reduce your bill by a dollar or two just by going green.
Want to save even more? Consider automatic payments! Not only will companies reduce your bill by receiving paperless statements, they may reduce your bill by even more if the amount is automatically deducted from your account every month.
Go with the Right Bank
Go with the Right Bank
Bank fees can add up quickly. That’s why it’s important to choose your bank wisely. When you’re ready to open an account, look for a bank that offers benefits like:
- Interest bearing checking accounts
- No fee checking accounts
- Refunded ATM charges
- A variety of financial services
If you are in the market for a loan or a mortgage, look for a low rate. When you choose the right lender, open an account there. Many banks offer discounts and perks to clients who have loans with their institution.
Shop Sales
Shop Sales
A sale isn’t a sale anymore. Businesses and marketing professionals understand how tempting a sale can be, so they often mark things down only after they have been marked up. How in the world are you supposed to know you’re getting a good deal?
Compare prices online to see if you really are getting a good price on what you’re about to buy. Then, make sure you do a quick search for online coupons. Chances are, you can save even more!
No matter how serious you are about saving, you can’t just stop spending money altogether. Instead, get smart about saving when you spend. Give one or more of the tips on this list a try, and chances are, you’ll find that your bank account is much fatter at the end of the year.
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