
Saving Money On Big Nights Out

Friday, August 23, 2019

When you’re invited on a big night out but you’re budget doesn’t allow for extra nights out it can be a difficult situation to manage, it’s not always as simple as not going, but is it possible to have the best of both worlds? How can you save money on a big night out and avoid compromising your savings pot? 

Well you could say no, but where's the fun in that? Here are five tips to help you stay on track and also keep in touch with your friends!

Recycle your outfits
Do you REALLY need a new outfit every time you have a big night out? Absolutely not, it doesn’t take a lot to recycle and outfit and change it up a bit. There are plenty of videos that explain how to change clothing up a bit to make it look brand new, why not turn an old over sized T-shirt into a dress? Or just add some different jewelry and  just be careful with those scissors. Nobody will judge you if you wear a dress more than once!

Plan ahead
Plan your evening in advance and you’ll end up spending less, from your transport to the venue you’ll find plenty of coupons online if you’re sensible and plan in advance. You may even get a decent Uber discount if you look hard enough, and that’s certainly not something you should be trying to avoid unless you want to end up searching for DWI attorney in NJ any time soon! 

Take care of yourself
It’s tempting to get into buying rounds of drinks but, depending on the social circle you’re with, it can end up very expensive, so stick to just buying your own drinks on this occasion and just explain to your friends, good friends will understand and you can still have a great time without the added pressure! Also when the money runs out that’s it, game over! 

Find an alternative
If you can, changing the destination altogether or even having a big night IN instead can make a huge difference to your finances. Why not get a BBQ on the go or invite people over to a ‘bring a bottle’ party? Even just bringing the intended destination a little closer to home will help massively. It doesn’t have to cost a fortune, even a take away and movie night can be a great alternative, and let’s face it, a LOT less hassle. 

Ultimately a big night out is about seeing people you love and spending time with them, sometimes there’s alcohol and dancing involved, but does that mean you need to break the bank to have fun? No, you can have a great time and not have to worry about how much it costs, you just have to think about it all a bit harder that’s all! Unfortunately, everything costs money and the social pressure can be real, but setting firm boundaries can be life saving when you’re running low on cash!  

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