He wants to be inside, then outside. He gets up at night or early morning and wants to go out to pee, and he likes to be by your side always.Sometimes too close actually and you really have to be careful he's not under foot, or behind your chair.
Its been a bit of an expense. He costed us $200 plus a trip out of town, although I got a deal on a one night hotel stay, had gift cards for his leash, collar,etc., and sold some things of mine for gas money.The previous owners did provide us with some dog food, an outdoor water dish,and rope for part of his dog run Gerry put together.Erika bought him a few toys as well as three bags of treats, and we'll be doing some upcoming dog toy reviews for him to test out.
I had been asked why I didn't get a dog from the SPCA, but their fees are just as high as what I paid for Jake, plus he's the type of dog I wanted.
In 2 weeks he has to go for a booster needle- $90.
In 2-4 weeks after that he will be neutered-$230
Last night's hair cut: $35
On another note: while out of town,picking up Jake, we ordered a king sized bed from The Brick. Got over $700 off and got a free 22" tv with it. Hope to sell our queen bed, frame and one of our tvs, plus bedding we have, for as much as we can get, so we have less to pay out.Always wanted a king bed!

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