
Affordable Destinations For A Budget Break

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Going on holiday doesn’t have to mean breaking the bank and spending all your hard earned savings. Having a budget holiday also doesn’t have to mean visiting the same old places year after year where you know some cheap accommodation or can get budget transport to.

Below are some of our favorite places to go for an affordable holiday, whilst still exploring new places and seeing new things:


Russia is an incredible country and one which many holidaymakers look on with trepidation. However, there’s no need to anymore as it’s simple to get to and is home to some of the most fantastic cities in the world. Moscow and St Petersburg are the perfect places to visit on a Russian holiday and offer truly unique experiences. Meet a KGB Colonel or even a Russian Cosmonaut! And with a favorable currency and some great bargain deals out there, you can visit on a budget.


Oman is home to incredible mountain ranges, medieval villages and wonderful people. Not on everyone’s radar as a holiday destination, it really does provide a unique experience which will stay with you forever. Oman holidays capture something enchanting and mystical, and usually totally unexpected. As a middle eastern country some tourists are quite reticent about visiting, though the country is perfectly safe and great deals are available as a result!

Marthinal, Portugal

Marthinal Beach resort is a fantastic place for families to escape to and have a relaxing family holiday. Whilst it is a luxury resort, it is adapting to tough economic times by offering great deals and fantastic value for an amazing service and stunning accommodation. With everything the kids could want from a holiday on offer, as well as plenty for the adults to enjoy, it is a fantastic choice, and now you can stay there even on a tighter budget as they try to attract new visitors.

Don’t settle for a stay cation this year, or even the same old places you always visit. There are loads of options out there for an affordable but adventurous holiday, and these are just a few of our favorites.

This is a guest post from John at Abroad in Spain, a guide to the best destinations and activities for holidays in Spain

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