
The Future Of At Home Entertainment

Friday, January 11, 2013

In the past families have gathered around the television on a certain time and day of the week to watch their favorite television show. Many people would have their television schedule memorized and know on which day to watch which shows. On Friday night people would wander the video store looking for the newest release, only to forget to return it the following night.
Today, it seems that no one has the time to plan their schedule around a television shows. Between work obligations and family commitments, it is very difficult to be home at the same time, all of the time. This is why many people are using television services such as Rogers, to watch their favorite television shows and movies whenever they want. Streaming offers a vast array of channels featuring numerous television shows. The same shows that you get on your cable box you can now watch at your own convenience. It was certainly changed the way that people watch television. For example, now you can watch your favorite show while you are doing some household tasks. While ironing, dusting or washing dishes, I often have a show or a movie in the background, which makes my work so go by so much faster!
Many people can watch television while they work out. Best yet, the commercial time on an on demand service is minimal, your time is never wasted. There are often a few past episodes available at the same time, and there is nothing better than having a mini TV marathon from time to time catching up on television. There isn’t that panic that you have missed a show and you will have to buy the DVD to catch up, since shows are available for several weeks you can make it fit your schedule.

In the past few years I have noticed the sharp decline in the neighborhood video store. It is really difficult to rent a move “the old fashion way”, and the cost of a movie ticket these days is really prohibitive to indulge in the cinematic pursuits. Watching movies on demand appears to be the way of the future. The price is similar to the video store and best yet you can simply order the movie with your remote or computer from your own couch. No need to put on the shoes and parka to go out to shovel out the car! Priceless! After the usual two day rental period the movie returns itself, so you never get stuck with the sometimes astronomical late fees. As life gets in the way you can stop, pause and restart your movie as many times you would like within your rental period, for the ultimate convenience.
Streaming and on demand services have revolutionized at home entertainment. People can watch a film with their lap top in bed, follow a recipe with their favorite celebrity chef or catch up on their television show while working on a project. Forget the good old days; I will take convenience any day.

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