Often times when you have a medical issues you would do pretty much anything in order to make it better. However, you may have exhausted some options, and are at a loss as to where to find more. This is why you should try Essential Medical Supply, a family owned and operated business since 1985. It is a broad supplier of home medical and health related products, which are designed with the end user in mind. The company offers a variety of products, including walkers and wheel chair supplies, bathroom safety products, canes and crutches plus a whole variety of products that make the lives of patients and their care takers, a whole lot easier. I recently turned to them when try to deal with coccyx/tailbone issues.
I tried their Essential Medical Supply’s fleece covered coccyx cushion. It is a specially designed pillow that relieves the pressure associated with sitting on the tailbone, and I must say it does help with taking pressure off the tailbone. It is designed to be comfortable and easy to clean which are both big pluses in my book.
**Regarding coccyx/tailbone issues and what causes them please see this link for the Mayo Clinic's description of coccyx/tailbone issues, their causes, and how to relieve them. Essential Medical Supply are not health professionals but do provide products that the Mayo Clinic suggests. Their website should give you some valuable insight on this issue.
Monique: Looks like a pretty cool product. For those that sit a lot this may be of great help. Thanks for the tip; I am going to their website now.