
Run Your Fleet Like A Dream Instead Of Running It Into The Ground

Friday, March 13, 2020

If your business, like many, depends largely on the delivery of goods, whether to retailers or customers, then you might have taken the wheel on logistics by buying your own fleet. Whether it’s two vehicles, twenty, or two-hundred, it’s important to make sure it’s run effectively and efficiently. Here are a few tips to make sure you’re getting the best out of your business fleet.

Invest in proactive maintenance

Protecting your business is all about protecting your assets and, in this case, your vehicles are your most valuable and your most expensive assets. They can get a lot more expensive if you and your team don’t do the work to make sure they’re regularly maintained and checked for any issues. Either hire an in-house team of mechanics or find a local team that is experienced with fleet vehicles to arrange a routine that involves frequent inspections and proactive maintenance. It will make the vehicles safer, more fuel-efficient, and less likely to cost you big in repairs down the line.

Know where your vehicles are at all times

Aside from good vehicles and good care for them, by far the most valuable investment when it comes to fleet management is the ability to track vehicles, see their routes, and plan better alternatives. Fleet GPS systems like Quartix can help you see where your drivers are, how efficient their driving routes are, and correct any misconduct, such as staying stopped for too long. More importantly, you can use them to plan out routes that are more efficient based on factors like time of day and traffic reports, too.

Mind your drivers

There are regulations on how much you can have your drivers drive in any given period of time, depending on where you’re based. However, it’s wise to operate not just within the bounds of those regulations, but with plenty of breathing room. Overworked drivers are stressed drivers and, according to truck accident lawyers, Rosenfeld Law, driver fatigue is responsible for 13% of all truck crashes. If you’re found to be breaking the rules that prohibit truck drivers from driving over 11 hours without a 10-hour break, it can mean major liability for you, too.

Maintain vigilance as a team

Driver safety isn’t a series of rules and codes that are taught once. It’s a discipline that has to be worked on and tracked. As such, make sure that you’re collecting data on driving habits and paying attention to those who are showing signs of unsafe driving. Find out what mistakes your drivers are making most often and make them the topic of semi-frequent discussions and courses. Even highly professional drivers will find their standards slipping if they’re not working on always improving them.

The more the business grows, the more likely it will be necessary to scale your fleet. As such, it’s important to have it running as efficiently as possible as early as possible, instead of having to implement those changes when there are many more drivers and vehicles involved.

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