
5 Things That Will Get You Through The COVID-19 Lockdown Smiling!

Thursday, April 23, 2020

We’re living through a historic moment. A moment we’ll one day tell our grand-kids about. Not since the Second World War have we had to make such huge and sweeping changes to the way we live to protect ourselves and one another. Fortunately, though sacrifices and hardships will need to be endured along the way, we will look back on this time and be grateful for what we’ve gained as much as we may mourn what we’ve lost. 

Image by Andrea Piacquadio via Pexels

Still, it can be hard to appreciate that when you’re grappling with the complexities of working from home, trying to made do with a massively reduced income, wondering where that stimulus check went so quickly and seeing no clear end in sight and are met with only gloom when you read the news. 

Still, you are more resilient than you know. And as isolated as you are right now, there are four things that will get you through this...

Having something to look forward to 

If you’re to come through this pandemic smiling, you need to be able to envisage a life beyond it. Which is why it’s so important to have something awesome to look forward to. It can be something as grand as an impending wedding- take a look at this Website if you’re still looking for a photographer. Or something as beautifully quotidian as meeting up with friends for brunch. One thing’s for sure, you’d better clear your schedule because there are going to be a whole lot of parties when the lockdown is lifted. 

A commitment to bettering yourself

For all the opportunities that the coronavirus and lock down have taken away from you, they have also gifted you some opportunities, too. You just may not be in the right frame of mind to see or appreciate them. 

Still, now that there are fewer temptations and distractions abound you have more opportunities to make good on your New Year’s Resolutions. It’s easier, more convenient and more affordable to exercise regularly and eat lots more healthy wholefoods without the need to rely on processed or fast foods.  

Your friends

You may be isolated. But you’re far from alone. Indeed, your proximity to your friends might just be a saving grace for your mental and emotional well being. Think about it! You now know that your friends are going to be in when you call. You’re less likely to distract them when you feel like a long catch up and while it’s a good idea to schedule your calls and video chats in advance, the effects of hearing a familiar voice and seeing a friendly face cannot be overstated. Plus, you have no idea how much they may need you right now. 

Positive self affirmations

The lock down can deal a crippling blow to our self esteem. Some of us may have lost our jobs, or at the very least be struggling to make do with a significantly reduced disposable income. We may feel less inclined to put on our faces, fix up our hair or dress for work… or even dress in anything other than our PJs from morning to midnight. An unfortunate side effect of living in a consumer capitalist society is that we tend to see our self worth only in terms of our jobs, our income or our beauty.

Don’t let the lock down rob you of your self esteem or erode your sense of self worth. Make sure you make time to feel good about yourself through positive self affirmations. There are many to choose from. You might want to start every day by telling yourself that you’re beautiful in your own unique way. Or that you are doing a great job under impossible circumstances. Or that you have a purpose. 

Now more than ever you need to be able to love yourself. It’s not vanity… it’s sanity!

Your hobbies and interests

Finally...Another silver lining to this dark and ominous cloud is the free time that we now have to re-engage with our hobbies, crafts and interests. This is your opportunity to do all the things that used to bring you such joy… but for which you were always too busy because you were spending so much time at work. 

Whether you’re planning on taking another crack at that manuscript you were working on, dragging your canvases and paintbrushes down from the attic or knitting a sweater for your grandson, a creatively rewarding endeavor can give you the sense of fulfillment that you may have been missing under lock down.

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