Mars Canada is asking Canadians to commit to kindness! Get involved today by checking out the Mars RANDOM ACTS OF CHOCOLATE® Campaign website and Facebook page!
Have you ever given up your seat on public transit for someone else, or helped a stray animal in need?
Mars Canada is putting Canadians to the test and is back for year two with their RANDOM ACTS OF CHOCOLATE® Campaign. The challenge to Canucks this year is to commit 50,000 acts of kindness in order to kick start a nation-wide kindness movement. To date, the campaign has succeeded with flying colours and delivered OVER the 50,000 acts! We have to keep this momentum going and continue to encourage Canadians to share their stories of kindness and “pay it forward” by nominating a community organization in their local community to receive 1 of 3 $10,000 donations!
So make sure you check out the RANDOM ACTS OF CHOCOLATE® Facebook Page and share your amazing stories. You never know, your story might inspire one of your own friends to do something kind – and the domino effect begins! Hit “Like” and join over a thousand Canadians to see for yourself how just one act of kindness can go a long way!
How else can you show Canadians you care?
Visit MarsActs.ca ! You can accept the MARS® Chocolate Kindness Pledge, share your stories of kindness and nominate a local community organization
Contest -
Mars Canada wants to give one lucky Canadian the chance to win a $50 prize pack full of delicious Mars chocolate products! ***This contest is open to Canadian residents only.A random draw will be made by Random.org on April,10,2011 from all Canadian entries recieved.
How to Enter -
To enter, all you have to do is tell me about the last act of kindness you did or experienced in the comment section below!
Good Luck and don’t forget to check out the Mars RANDOM ACTS OF CHOCOLATE® Facebook page and share your story today!
I have been approached by Fleishman-Hillard Canada to participate in an online campaign involving Mars Canada .The above post is a reflection of my own personal thoughts and ideas and do not represent those of the named brand.
One of my coworkers always does a random act of kindness by baking cookies for us!
I had a random act of kindness done for me at a concert recently when the car in front of me paid for my parking($15) so I passed it on and paid for the car behind me
A recent act of kindness for me was when my doctor waived a $110 fee for filling out a form. It was much appreciated and unexpected!
When I changed jobs last year, I bought a piece of jewelry for every person who was every kind to me and that I would miss - I had many of them personalized to show them how much they meant to me. It was pretty amazing and they loved it!
oh this one is easy, 2 days ago i was given a huge box full of daffodils, so i had my kids take them around to all the older ladies on our building, they all loved it and my kids had fun too
ReplyDeletestaceyx at telus do net
A guy from my hubby's work came over so hubby could fix his car. I knew his wife was away, so I sent him home with a loaf of banana bread. He promptly went home and ate the entire loaf! LOL
i had a act of kindness when i first had my daughter my sister inlaw came and got my oldest daughter so i can get some rest.
ReplyDeleteI have experienced lots of kindness lately - from friends and family both. The best random act was from my partner - he suprised me while I was hospitalized with a random cheer up. I'm not big on cut flowers that then die, knowing that he brought me in a herb pot with Thyme in it. And told me that he bought me the one thing that we never seem to have enough of together - time / thyme. That one act brightens my day every day when I see it on my windowsill.
ReplyDeleteWhat a nice gesture for a giveaway.
Our dear friends husband just had a
stoke. I knew that she would be busy
with others things.
So I decided to make up dinners for
her and her husband. To know that
they enjoyed my cooking was so special.
I believe that if one help others,
we feel better ourselves.
mmmm got to love chocolate.
I have been away from work due to chronic illness and a woman from my work (whom i don't really know that well) came and just left a potted flower at my door with a kind note. I felt so blessed to know that someone had thought of me and been so kind. abrennan09@hotmail.com
ReplyDeleteI let the lady behind me at the grocery store go ahead of me! :)
ReplyDeleteksceviour at hotmail dot com
The last act of kindess my husband and I did was just yesterday. We were grocery shoppping and there was a woman in front of us who was having a very hard time walking, let alone carry grocery bags full of food. We asked her if she would like a ride home, which she accepted gladly! We are regulars at the store so the chashier vouched for us lol We drove her to her home, which was a block away, but I can't imagine how long it would have taken her to do it on her own.
ReplyDeleteWe love doing things like this for people!
Thanks for this.
nancyrobster at gmail dot com
I love to spread around random acts of kindness. I quite often bake cookies for friends and just leave a little package of them on their doorstep
ReplyDeleteI tried to help a woman who was carrying parcels and dropping them all over. But she insisted she was okay and thanked me.
ReplyDeleteontariohappychick at gmail dot com
A couple of weeks ago it was terribly cold and my DH came out of work to find his car wouldn't start. He called the CAA and they had so many calls they could not even get there until the next day. I was talking on the phone to a friend when my cell rang and it was DH telling me the situation and that he was going to have to walk home. When our friend heard he told me to call DH and say he was on his way. He not only went to pick him up but he boosted the car and then followed him home to make sure there were no problems and offered to drive him to work the next day if his car wouldn't start. We were quite touched by his kindness.
ReplyDeleteOn the bus, I would offer my seat to elderly people and mothers with young children.
ReplyDeleteMy father and stepmother is always showing acts of kindness by looking after my 2 kids whenever I want. karasceviour at hotmail dot com
ReplyDeleteI recently have been going through a very difficult time in my personal life - my sister surprised me by dropping off a beautiful inspirational card and a little ornament with a note to think of her and smile when I saw it - and that I did!
ReplyDeletesbabij2 at shaw dot ca
let several people ahead of me in busy grocery store
Giving out old toys, clothes and donating to the food bank.
I gave an elderly woman money for parking at the hospital since she did not have any change.
ReplyDeleteI received a random act of kindness the other week when I was trying on clothes in a store and noticed a note sticking on the mirror. It simply said "you are beautiful". It may have been a small thing but it brightened my day and made me smile.
The last random act of kindness I experienced was a couple of months ago when I was at the store. All I brought was cash and did not bring my bank card along. I spent almost a dollar more than I had and was going to put something back. The person behind me told me not to worry and they would pay the difference
I found a child's pair of gloves by the bustop and brought to my neighbourhood school (there was a name on the label) and the gloves found their rightfull home.
ReplyDeletepamfreecycle at gmail dot com
My son and I packed up a christmas fun box for a family we knew and dropped it off unnannouced on their doorstep on the day they were decorating their tree this year. We filled it with a personalized family ornament, hot chocolate, and christmas stickers. We never told them who it was from. :)
I've recently donated some items to a charity.
ReplyDeleteLost_Star_99 (at) yahoo (d0t) ca
We had an act of kindness put towards my hubby and I just this past week. My hubby has to go for his chemotherapy treatment on Wednesday and we had no ride. Its 100 miles out of town and we won't chance our vehicle to get there. It needs some repairs. A friend of ours said he will take us, makes no difference how early we leave or how late we get home.We have to leave here at 6:00 am. He said he would like if someone did that for him if he needed it so he won't let us go without a drive. What a lifesaver and great friend he is.
The last act of kindness I experienced was when going through the drive-thru at Tim Horton's. I pulled up to the window to pay, and the lady handed me my coffees and said, "Don't worry about it, the person in front of you paid for you!" Sure made my day!
ReplyDeletetootsierollpop15 at hotmail dot com
I like to always send my granddaughter gift cards and money. She is a struggling college student and I do what I can to brighten her days.
Today;s winner
ReplyDeletetanyab79 said...
22 I gave an elderly woman money for parking at the hospital since she did not have any change