
Sunday -April 17

Sunday, April 17, 2011

We had our "indoor yard sale" yesterday. With only our sale and no others being held that day, or this weekend for that matter, and the weather only being a +2 degrees, we didn't have the best turnout. The usual garage salers we get every year weren't all there,and we could have had a bigger crowd. However, when all was said and done, we cleared $175 after 2 hours. We donated the leftover clothing and *glass cups/mugs, etc.,( *that are always hard to sell)to a lady who was collecting for her church's sale they were having next month.We packed the rest of the stuff up and put away for our next sale- which we think will be in August.

It's Double Coupon Day at our local drugstore tommorow, so I'm all ready with coupons in hand. I wish they carried more grocery products but I do get great savings on health, beauty and cleaning products.

It will be another few weeks and we will be off to pick up Erika from college.It will be nice to have her home again.I called the post office the other day as she will need mail forwarding- and was shocked to hear the cost for 6 months was $52 plus tax, if you are moving out of province. $100 for a year, but we will only be taking the 6 months.My mom said she remembers when the service was free!

My cell phone broke the other day when I was at the hall, setting up for our sale.It was already broken, but this break finished it off. I have had this flip phone forever. Gerry said it should be in a museum. Funny guy! So instead of buying a new phone and getting a contract, we are activating an older phone my niece got at a garage sale.A new phone would have costed a minimum of $30 plus I would have had to go on a contract PLUS an activation on a new phone is $40. I'm giving my niece $10 for the phone and activation is only $25 on an old phone.Great savings to be had when you think things through on how you can do things cheaper.

Hope you all have a great week and are having great savings yourself.If you've saved money, and would like to brag about it, I'd love to hear about it. Please send in your comments, we'd like to read them.


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