We’ve all joined frequent flyer programs with the thought that you’d get a free holiday out of it right? You choose the same airline each year on your holidays for this reason, sometimes missing out on the bargain holiday to an exotic destination.
Fast forward a couple years later and you’re still frustratingly accumulating points, even worse some of the air miles you initially generated are due to expire! By now you’ve had enough and doubts of giving up start to surface. This is why I’d like to share with you a little secret I’ve been doing for a couple of years now, well I say secret but in reality it’s fairly logical if you know where to look.
Frequent flyer program are designed to accumulate points every time you fly, however for the majority of the population who only fly a couple of times a year getting frequent flyer points is a waste of time, or is it? My secret is simple, maximise your frequent flyer points earnings with a credit card that is affiliated with a frequent flyer program, that way you can generate points on all your purchases and therefore accumulate enough points for your holiday sooner rather than later. That way you’re using your savings to full advantage and using rewards credit cards towards an achievable incentive… as long as you pay your credit card bill on time.
My issue with airline credit card reward programs, is the annual fee. I don't pay an annual fee for any of my cash back cards nor my hotel cards, why would I for an airline card? I might look around for an airline card if I need a flight and see if I can get enough points right off the bat for a flight but that is the only reason to get it, in my opinion.