
Stretching the Clock and Your Wallet in the Kitchen

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

We are all looking for ways to save in the kitchen. Some of us are looking to save time while others are looking to save money; however most of us are looking to do both.

There are many ways to save time from having the right cooking utensils and appliances to using easy recipes. While you can save money with coupons and energy efficient appliances. How do you save time and money in the kitchen? What are some of your favorite easy recipes or time saving tools?

By saving time and money in the kitchen, you will have more family time and maybe a little extra cash to buy those new shoes you have had your eye on.

1 comment:

  1. On some Sundays I make rice in the crockpot and it saves a lot of time for me. I throw half in the freezer for the next time we need it. Intsead of wondering all week what to make, I incorporate the rice into our meals. Saves money by me not having to go grocery shopping and figuring something out last minute (OR running to a fast food joint or pizza delivery guy). I also make a few other things that we can use during the week.


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